When planning to sell your house, there are things to do prior to putting it on the market.
The beautiful Denver weather will be here soon, and spring cleaning is always on the to-do-list this time of the year. Proper staging is equally important when getting your home ready, a step that is sometimes overlooked by sellers.
First comes cleaning and de-cluttering your house:
When you are planning on de-cluttering your house of items that you don't need anymore; donating vs. throwing away is a great option. The local ARC or Goodwill are great options that will accept any item you need to get rid of. Not only is it a tax write-off, but more importantly we can give back to the community.
Once you've organized your home, a good rule of thumb prior to selling your home is painting the walls. Neutral vs. strong bold colors tend to work best when trying to sell a house. The goal is to appeal to as many potential buyers as possible. It's much easier to envision living in a new home when the space is calming vs. a Lime Green wall staring them in the face. Get some great ideas from HGTV's website http://www.hgtv.com/decorating/how-to-choose-a-color-scheme/index.html, or find a local designer in Denver.
Getting your house organized and ready for staging is a very important process when getting your property ready for the market. Keeping your house neutral and organized, will be more appealing to a larger selection of potential buyers.
Anton Usaj
Usaj Realty
You say, We listen
f. 720-285-1934
1700 Bassett St. Suite 502
Denver, CO 80202
Blog: usajdenverrealty.wordpress.com